How SaverLife and Intuit Are Partnering to Help People Use Tax Time to Take Control of Their Finances

SaverLife and the Intuit Financial Freedom Foundation (IFFF) first joined forces in 2018 to provide the tools many people need to build a strong foundation for long-term financial health. This shared purpose has been at the center of the Tax Time initiatives the two organizations have worked on together for the last five years.

Together, IFFF and SaverLife aim to help tens of thousands of new pledgers save a portion of their tax refund, win cash prizes to bolster savings, and connect to helpful resources to help them maintain savings year-round. As a result of our partnership, 139K people have pledged to save over $120M of their tax refunds.

In 2022, we are partnering together again to expand upon the successful program that we have built. We will replicate and make more investments in elements of the program that have proven successful (tax time pledge, resources on SaverLife, and prize-based challenges) while testing new tactics (paid advertising campaign, refer-a-friend, and new savings challenges) to reach and engage thousands more. 

Expanding the Intuit-SaverLife Partnership in 2022

IFFF’s 2022 commitment is intended to accelerate the success of the Tax Time program so that thousands more individuals can have the experience SaverLife member and Tax-Time pledger Emmanuel had in 2021.  According to Emmanuel, “saving a portion of my tax refund made a big difference. My mental state improved knowing I had savings to fall back on in case of an emergency. SaverLife is a huge encouragement in my savings journey.”

With IFFF’s investment this year, SaverLife will broadly promote its successful Tax-Time pledge, tips for navigating tax time on, along with prize-based challenges this year—including incentivizing filers to save a portion of their refund by giving away $20,000 through weekly instant win $50 scratchers. 

SaverLife will also leverage current trends in digitized personalization to test new tactics to encourage savings, including savings challenges tailored to a user’s personal financial goals to reach and engage thousands of more users. Even small nudges can lead to long-term behavioral changes. 

Our goals are to:

  • Maximize savings from tax refund to drive wealth-building moment by driving engagement around the pledge to save part of tax refund

  • Leverage tax time moment to drive 25K in member growth

  • Develop inspirational co-branded content to change the narrative around tax time and drive conversion via the pledge

  • Develop engaging, unique tax code content to supplement personal finance quizzes

We’re proud to partner with the Intuit Financial Freedom Foundation to help hundreds of thousands of people take control of their finances.


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