85% of SaverLife Members Plan to Vote in This Election


SaverLife made several important pivots this year in reaction to the rapidly changing circumstances created by the pandemic. One of the most significant was encouraging our 425,000 strong member base to register and make a plan to vote. We accomplished this through frequent communications and by integrating voter education activities directly into our platform. 

In a recent survey, 85% of members indicated they intend to vote in this election.

I wasn’t always an active voter. My family moved to the United States from the United Kingdom when I was 14 years old, but I didn’t become a US citizen until I was 29. For a while I went back and forth between the US and the UK so I never took the opportunity to become a citizen, even when I became eligible to do so. One election, I was bitterly complaining to my brother about the outcome. He looked at me and said “Why don’t you become a citizen so you can do something about it instead of just complaining?”


I realized he was right. America was my  home now and I needed to take the steps to make sure my voice was heard. The day I was sworn in as an American citizen remains one of the proudest of my life. I have voted in every single election since that day and I vote on everything - from President to School Board and everything in between. Typically, I go to the polls in person and these days I take my little girl with me, so she can start to understand how important it is to vote (and get the free sticker).

I vote - and I encourage our members to vote - because who we choose to represent us affects every aspect of our financial lives - from tax policy and healthcare reform, to access to affordable banking and combating predatory lending. I vote for all of the people who do not have the privilege I had to become a US citizen. I vote because I believe my voice matters.

As we grow, SaverLife will continue to advance our advocacy work and draw a clear connection for our members between their household financial security and civic engagement. And no matter who wins on election day, SaverLife will continue to help our members get through this difficult time and stay on track to achieve their dreams. 

Best wishes, 



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