SaverLife impact report

New report highlights how SaverLife achieved impact for members in 2023

Taking action at the individual and systemic levels
SaverLife members take steps every day to reach their financial health goals. Members like Katelynne: a full-time parent who’s saving for her children’s futures. Despite her hard work, Katelynne recognizes that systemic challenges like unaffordable child care and strict work hours make it difficult to maintain a positive household balance sheet. However, she’s committed to making progress on her financial health journey, no matter what challenges she might encounter along the way.

As a national nonprofit and advocacy organization that uses technology to improve the financial health of people living on low-to-moderate incomes, we at SaverLife believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to build wealth and achieve financial well-being. We also believe that, to create these opportunities, we must achieve impact at the individual and systemic levels. Why? So that we can support SaverLife members like Katelynne at every stage of their financial health journeys and ensure that the financial system prioritizes their needs and goals.

An opportunity to drive collective impact
To keep our friends and supporters up to date on the latest ways that SaverLife is achieving impact for our members, we’re excited to share our 2023 impact report. This report showcases the many ways our team drove change in the last year, as well as the ambitious goals we’ve set for 2024. From the new SaverLife mobile app and storytelling series to our climate change research, we have much to be proud of.

Impact is important. Impact is necessary. If we’re going to keep working toward building a more inclusive and equitable financial system that serves everyone, we need to hold ourselves accountable and make sure our efforts are indeed driving impact. We hope this impact report inspires you to take action: with SaverLife and in your own work. Together, we can shape the future of financial health to support all people.


Read the report

2023 Impact Report

“Who gets to shape the future? Financial technology is transforming our financial system, but if the only people at that table are the same people who built the old system, we’re not going to meet the promise and really drive forward on financial inclusion.”

— Leigh Phillips, SaverLife President and CEO


Highlights from the report

In 2023, SaverLife…

  • Improved our product and membership experience by launching our mobile application which has been downloaded over 17,500 times and maintained a 4.7 user rating in the Android and Apple stores.

  • Grew the SaverLife community to over 630,000 people nationwide and launching Breathing Room: a storytelling series that highlights the work that our members are putting in to overcome systemic challenges and reach their financial health aspirations.

  • Advanced our members’ priorities in policy and systems change work by launching The Downpour: a first-of-its-kind research initiative that explores the intersection of financial health and climate change.


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