Filing 2020 Taxes Is Critical

As of late May, 80% of SaverLife members have filed their taxes, meaning there are still 20% of members who have not. More than any other year, filing taxes for 2020 is critical—to ensure access to the following benefits:

  • Starting in July, qualifying families will receive expanded Child Tax Credit credits in the form of monthly payments. In order to receive these, the IRS must know how many dependents someone has, and their ages. Eligible households can also receive additional funds, such as the expanded Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit.

  • Lower-income workers must file to receive the Earned Income Tax Credit

  • For families that did not yet receive their stimulus payments—either of the first two in 2020 or the third payment in 2021—they must file taxes to receive their checks.


May Savings and Spending


Overcoming the Digital Divide