September SaverLife Member Un/Under-employment Update
The most recent poll represents statistically significant results that more SaverLife members are back to a level of employment seen prior to March.
Adam works as an analyst in the IT department at a healthcare company. “Early in the pandemic, they cut our pay/work hours,” he said. “I was getting about 25% less in wages than what I am used to getting. Though this cut ended in May, I am still making about 10% less from not working as many hours.” His company has not confirmed when or if his pay will go back to his pre-COVID wages.
Saira has been unemployed since May. Her husband was helping cover the gap in their income by working overtime, but was recently told by his employer that he could only work 40 hours per week.
Ashley was laid off from her job as a house cleaner in May. She relied on borrowing money from relatives and receiving unemployment benefits to survive. Since expanded federal unemployment expired at the end of July, her situation has become more stressful. “We still owe relatives,” she said. “It’s a little stressful especially with a toddler who constantly needs stuff.”
Kerry received severance when she was laid off from her job as a health educator and used savings to cover the loss of her income. She’s been unemployed since May and hasn’t had any luck finding a new job.