Celebrating 500,000 Members: Meet a Mom Who Has Been With SaverLife Since the Beginning

In honor of SaverLife reaching 500,000 members, we reached out to our community members to learn about their financial journeys and how they’ve seen SaverLife grow over the years.


“I wasn’t raised in a family that taught me about finances,” Monica said. “I had to figure it out for myself.”

As a young mom, Monica struggled to pay her bills and manage her finances. Until she found SaverLife (then EARN). 

“I took a lot of classes with EARN,” Monica said. “The social part of it was key for me. It kept me accountable.” While SaverLife doesn’t offer classes anymore, there are now almost 500 articles on the SaverLife website and a robust forum where members find that sense of community. 

The encouragement from the community also helped Monica keep going when emergencies arose and forced her to dip into her savings. Eventually, she saved up enough money to launch a career in the beauty industry. Her career helped her to provide for her family. 

When the pandemic began, Monica’s work in cosmetology and massage therapy came to a halt. She picked up a job with the San Francisco Parks & Recreation Department and has become involved in her community as an adviser for COVID-safe celebrations such as drive by graduations and Zoom birthday celebrations. 

Read Monica’s Story on SaverLife.org

The habits she learned from SaverLife have helped Monica stay on track with her savings goals. Recently, she had unexpected dental surgery and had to pay for part of it out of pocket. Instead of being discouraged about having to dip into her savings, Monica is already working toward paying herself back. 

 Monica is hoping to go back to working in the beauty industry once the pandemic ends. 

“My goal is to save up enough for a down payment on a home,” she said. 

The articles, challenges, and quizzes on SaverLife have all been important for her savings journey, and she thinks they could benefit others as well. 

“Join SaverLife so you can learn more about how to manage your finances,” she said. 


Celebrating 500,000 Members: Meet a $1,000 Winner Who Kept Saving


Celebrating 500,000 Members: A Father & Son Journey With SaverLife