Frontline Worker Wins SaverLife Story Contest


Clifton Montgomery became a SaverLife member in 2020. When he saw that SaverLife was running a story contest, he was intrigued, especially when he saw SaverLife was asking for entrants to nominate people who were trying to get their lives back on track after the pandemic. Only one person came to his mind: his sister. 

“There have been many days working on the front line at Raleigh General Hospital where my sister has had to bear the pain of others while holding back tears of her own,” Clifton wrote in his entry. 

Clifton’s sister, Tia, is a frontline worker. During the pandemic, she has often pulled double shifts as a medical assistant, working in a medical office by day and in the emergency room at the hospital by night. The workload and devastation of the pandemic have taken a toll. She has seen more deaths in the past year than any other time in her career.

2020 was a difficult year for Tia, but when the Montgomerys’ mother passed away last December, Tia and Clifton lost the woman they looked to for strength and comfort.

In the midst of her grief, Tia remained committed to her goals. A single mother to a teenage son, she does everything she can to provide for his future and support his talent as a basketball player. She pushed herself to save extra money while working double shifts during the pandemic to ensure she was financially stable for whatever comes next. 


Last week, SaverLife invited them to join Jim Spencer, Executive Director of the Bluefield Economic Development Authority, at the new Goodwill store in Bluefield. Unbeknownst to Tia and Clifton, we planned a surprise for them—they were the story contest winners. 


“It means the world to me to be able to honor her and win this contest,” Clifton said. “I see my mother through her.”

Tia was deeply moved by her brother’s nomination and to be chosen as the winner. 

“Special thanks to my brother for nominating me and to SaverLife as well,” Tia said. “It certainly feels good knowing that I…matter, and my life has had such an impact on others.”

Tia plans to use her prize money to invest in her son’s future. Clifton plans to use the money to invest and save. 

SaverLife also took this opportunity to surprise Goodwill’s GoodHOST program with $10,000 for encouraging Bluefield community members to sign up for SaverLife. 

WVNS, Fox 59, and WVVA covered the event. 


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