Meet Michelle: A Nurse Using SaverLife to Teach Her Kids About the Importance of Savings

When the pandemic hit, Michelle relied on SaverLife to help her stay financially secure.

Michelle heard about SaverLife three years ago at work. She became a member and completed her first Race to $100, but resources and articles kept her coming back for more. 

Michelle is dedicated to teaching her kids—aged 19, 21, and 23—about personal finance, and SaverLife is one of the tools she uses. 

“I share the articles with my kids, and we’ll read and talk about them,” Michelle said. “The kids are doing really well with their money management. [SaverLife] works!”

When the pandemic began, Michelle was furloughed from her job as a nurse at an outpatient dermatology clinic. With the kids living at home and little money trickling in, it was a difficult financial time for the family. 

“SaverLife saved me with a $500 grant,” Michelle said. “I used the money to buy food and pay for utilities when we were all out of work.” 

As things return to normal, Michelle uses SaverLife to build her financial know-how. 

“I participate in surveys and do the scratch offs. I’ve found out about a lot of programs and resources through SaverLife, including free internet programs, which hasn’t only benefitted me. I’m always telling people about it!”

Currently, Michelle’s goal is to save $100 every month in a high-interest savings account. Her biggest financial goal is to help pay for her youngest son’s college tuition. 

“I want to save money, so he doesn’t have too much debt when he graduates,” she explained.


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