Nichole's Story: Excited for Mondays


Meet Nichole: Nichole is an accountant and mother of three who lives in Las Vegas. She was searching online for something to help her pay down her past-due debt when she saw an ad for SaverLife Nevada. Saving had always been difficult and overwhelming for Nichole, but she thought, “maybe this is the kick in the butt I need to help me succeed.” It turns out that it was.

Nichole’s favorite part of SaverLife was playing Scratch & Save every Monday. Since she started receiving her weekly Scratch & Save email, Nichole “can’t wait for Mondays” and has saved every week so she’s eligible to win.

Nichole also loves SaverLife’s financial coach Saundra Davis. “I grew up low-income with a single parent in the military who didn’t teach me about credit,” says Nichole, “and then I went to college and companies just threw credit cards at me.” She’s confident that her two daughters in their early twenties won’t make her same mistakes: “I forward all the emails I get from Saundra to my daughters and say, ‘Please read this!’”

Less than six months after signing up, Nichole has saved a little over $3,000. “That’s huge for me,” she says, “considering that I’m still raising my kids and so many little things pop up all the time.” For the first time, paying off $20,000 in student loans and medical bills seems within reach, and Nichole feels more confident in herself and her future.

Those debts have been a big, scary barrier for Nichole. She wants to buy a house someday, but knows that her credit needs to improve before she’ll be able to do that. A big part of her transformation has been the realization that it’s not shameful to have debt. With SaverLife, Nichole says, “you don’t feel so alone. You don’t feel like you’re the only one struggling.”


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