Patricia's Story: A Rewarding Retirement

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Meet Patricia: Patricia always thought that all she had to do wait for was her kids to grow up, move out, and have their own lives – then she could retire and do all the fun things that she’d put off doing while she was raising them. But, of course, life got in the way, and she never seemed able to put aside money to reward herself for her years of hard work. Even though she runs a non-profit organization that helps low-income workers file their taxes, her own saving habits have always been sporadic. “It’s so easy to think, ‘I’ll save whatever I have extra,’” Patricia laments, “but there’s never any extra!”

That is, until she found SaverLife. SaverLife helped make saving a priority for Patricia. Instead of something she did at the end of the month after paying all her bills, SaverLife taught Patricia to “pay herself first.” SaverLife’s rewards for saving made her feel like she was losing out by not saving and “changed [her] thinking about saving.”

SaverLife helped Patricia prioritize the experiences that matter to her and align her goals with her money habits. What really made a difference for Patricia was “how simple SaverLife is.” It's easy to sign up and get started, and Patricia loves the weekly messages she receives from SaverLife’s financial coach Saundra Davis. “In my moment of weakness, I might be heading to Starbucks, and then I would get this email and it would be a reminder of why I am saving,” Patricia says. “It also gave me a moment to smile and be proud of myself if I had saved that month.”

Patricia’s goal is to treat herself to a long-overdue vacation. At the end of every year, she thinks about all the things she wanted to do that she didn’t actually do. Prior to SaverLife, she felt like there just wasn’t a way for her to afford the things she wanted to do. Now, with SaverLife at her side, she started small and has a plan to get where she wants to be with her savings.


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