Saira's Story: Setting Herself Up for Success


Meet Saira: Between taking care of her four-year-old son, going to school full-time to get her Bachelor’s degree in accounting, and working at Burger King to make ends meet, Saira has a lot on her plate. She’s always been frugal, but hadn’t given much thought to saving before SaverLife.

Originally from Mexico, Saira has lived in Las Vegas, Nevada for the past ten years. She learned about SaverLife on the FreshEBT app, and was initially suspicious that someone would pay her to save her own money. But after reading online what other people had to say about SaverLife, she decided to give it a try.

 Until SaverLife, Saira didn't even have a savings account. She kept all her money in a single checking account, which she used to pay her bills and save when she could. SaverLife made her realize that a separate account would make it easier to save, so she switched banks and opened a savings account. She set up an automated transfer to move $25 into her savings account every month. 

The automatic transfer was a game changer. Saira can see her savings grow, and one day, she'll be able to take a much-needed vacation with her son. When her last paycheck came in, she looked at her bank account and was surprised to see that she’d saved $380 without even thinking about it.

Knowing that she has that money in the bank “means a lot” to Saira because she has backup money if there’s an emergency. Saira’s financial aid was recently reduced, so she put her whole tax refund toward tuition and has to be careful to keep up with her payments. Her savings mean, “I don’t have to worry if something happens because I know I won’t have to rely on a credit card or dip into the money I need to pay for school.”

Saira plans to finish her degree within the next two years, after which she wants to find a good job as an accountant so that she can spend more time with her son, who has a learning delay, and give him every possible opportunity.


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