Digital Marketing Drives Impact at Scale: How Growth Campaigns Can Improve Microentrepreneurs’ Financial Health

Entrepreneurship is widely recognized as a viable path to economic mobility. Among the growing population of self-employed people is a subgroup of microentrepreneurs: individuals who are taking on self-employment to improve their financial security or create a business that can support their financial goals. Regardless of microentrepreneurs’ reasons for pursuing self-employment, they largely operate in the early stages of entrepreneurship and keep their personal and business finances closely intertwined.

This case study explores how SaverLife leveraged growth marketing strategies, custom user experiences, and research to learn more about microentrepreneurs and help them along their path to financial stability. Through a targeted campaign specifically designed to reach and engage microentrepreneurs, SaverLife:

  • Recruited over 9,000 new members in 10 weeks.

  • Offered savings incentives and rewards to help them improve their financial health.

  • Provided custom content focused on achieving their business goals.

  • Conducted research related to the financial realities, pain points, and aspirations of microentrepreneurs.

  • Informed the financial health field and nonprofit sector on the systemic challenges facing microentrepreneurs.

  • Proposed interventions for supporting all self-employed individuals, at scale.

Technology Is Changing How We Meet the Financial Needs of Microentrepreneurs At Scale

Microentrepreneurship persists as a viable option for SaverLife members, and the millions like them, to maintain financial stability and achieve economic mobility. However, there is a clear lack of affordable financial products, educational resources, and services that microentrepreneurs can use to improve their financial health and help them achieve their business goals.

By leveraging digital marketing for our microentrepreneurs’ campaign, SaverLife reached our target demographic at scale and with greater efficiency. Through our digital marketing strategies and custom content, we were able to recruit more people to SaverLife than previously experienced—and all at a lower cost with less staff time. Moreover, we delivered critical supports to our microentrepreneur members sooner than traditional social sector services and provided actionable research findings to the financial health field.

Looking to explore a campaign with SaverLife? Contact Patty Moddelmog, Senior Manager of Strategic Philanthropy, at


Changing lanes: How transportation costs intersect with the financial and life opportunities of people living on low-to-moderate incomes


Untangling the Personal and Professional: Microentrepreneurs' Financial Realities, Pain Points, and Aspirations